- 使命
- Mission
- 科技引领人才,专业成就未来
- To lead the talent development with science and technology, and achieve the future with professionalism.
- 科技引领人才
- To lead the talent development with science and technology
我们坚持科技探索,使用信息技术、人才科学、大数据、Al科技We keep on developing science and technology, and utilize IT, Talent Science, Big Data, and AI technology
- 引领客户高效获得人才
- to lead customers obtaining talents efficiently
- 引领HR成为人才专家
- to lead HR becoming an expert in talent management
- 引领公司吸纳顶尖人才
- to lead Risfond acquiring world-class talents
- 引领员工成为专业人才
- to lead employees turning to be professionals
- 引领人才服务行业发展
- to lead human resource services industry progressing continuously
- 专业成就未来
- To achieve the future with professionalism.
我们始终以职业化的态度(包括职业素养和敬业进取精神等)、专业的能力(包括顾问的知识、技能和经验等)、产品与服务的科学性和前瞻性With professionalism (including professional qualities, dedication, and aggressiveness), professional abilities (including talent consulting expertise, skills, and experience), and scientific and forward-looking products and services
- 为客户提供支持,成就客户的未来
- We support customers and help them win the future
- 推动员工专业成长,塑造员工的未来
- We promote employees' professional growth and shape their future
- 打造高价值品牌,实现公司的未来
- We build a high-value brand and achieve a brighter future for Risfond
- 愿景
- Vision
- 成为受人尊敬的世界级人才服务公司
- To become an esteemed world-class talent services company
- 受人尊敬
- Esteemed
- 最高目标:人本主义、受人尊敬
- The ultimate goal: people-oriented, esteemed
- 首要目标:赢得客户和行业的尊敬
- The primary goal: gain the respect of customers and earn the esteem in the HR industry
- 核心方向:职业化程度,专业能力,科技水平
- Core directions: professionalism, professional skills, and technological capabilities.
- 世界级
- World-class
- 业务范围覆盖全球,以“帮助中国企业走向世界”为己任
- With expanding our business all over the world, we make it our duty to "help Chinese enterprises go international"
- 打造世界级企业,规模、专业、职业素养都要向世界级企业看齐,亦要赢得世界的尊重
- We aim to develop Risfond into a world-class enterprise, with equivalent scale/ professionalism/ professional qualities, and earn the esteem of the world at the same time.
- 人才服务
- Talent services
- 专注于人才服务领域,不局限于猎头,不横跨其他领域
- We focus on talent services, not limited to headhunting, but will not extend our business to other industries.
- 围绕"人才"提供多种产品和服务, B端/C端可多维突破,专业纵深、服务多元
- We provide various products and services centering on “Talents” and make multiple dimensions and levels breakthroughs towards Business to Business and Business to Customer, bringing about in-depth professionals and diversified services
- 公司
- Risfond is a company
- 非机构、非平台、非组织
- It is not an institution, which laid stress on its particular kind of work or purpose
- It is not a platform that seems without boundaries and organizing
- It is also not only a simple organization but also a regulated company
- 规范性、制度化、品牌化
- For Risfond, there are some important things we valued seriously, and that is our normalization, systematism, and branding.
- 价值观
- Core values
- 真诚、敬业、规范、高效、创新、成长
- Honest, Dedication, Standard, High performance, Innovation, Growth
- 真诚
- Honest
- 诚实面对自己
- Be honest with ourself
- 真诚对待他人(包括同事/客户/候选人)
- Be honest with others, including colleagues, clients, and candidates
- 说真话/做真事/不蒙蔽/不欺瞒
- Tell the truth and do the pragmatic, as well as do not deceive and cheat
- 坚守自己的初心和善良,始终做对的事
- Remain true to our original aspiration and goodness, and keep doing the right thing
- 敬业
- Dedication
- 秉承职业化态度和素养
- Adhering to professionalism
- 不断提升自己的专业能力以提供更优质的服务,对自己负责对客户负责
- Constantly improve our professional abilities to provide better services, and be responsible for ourself and customers
- 永远保有进取之心
- Stay self-motivated
- 规范
- Standard
- 相信规则/系统的力量
- Believe in the power of rules and systems
- 坚持遵守规范/始终维护规范
- Always adhere to and uphold standards
- 先僵化,后优化,再固化
- Rigidify at first, then optimize, eventually solidify
- 高效
- High performance
- 以高效的执行力完成指令
- Accomplish orders in high efficiency and performance
- 及时响应,迅速达成
- Respond promptly and achieve quickly
- 以更高效为目标,不断优化效率,提升效能
- Aim for greater efficiency, constantly improve efficiency and performance
- 创新
- Innovation
- 以更开放的心态接纳并拥抱变化
- Embrace the change with a much more open mind
- 以勇于创新的态度寻找更好的机遇
- Being brave in innovating and seek better opportunities
- 不断打破旧的思维模式,打造创新的机制,创新的服务,创新的产品
- Continuously breaking old mindsets, building innovative systems, services, and products
- 成长
- Growth
- 树立终身成长思维模式,持续学习,和团队一同成长,乐于分享,善于建议
- Set up a lifelong growth mindset, keep learning, and grow with the team, with the willingness to share and advice
- 和客户一起成长,超越客户期望,指引客户
- Improve with customers, deliver more than their expectations and guide them
- 推动行业成长,引领行业发展(做行业中的专家,引领同行不断成长)
- Drive the HR industry growth, and lead its development, with serving as the expert of the industry and leading peers to grow continuously